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Onenote Online Sorry We Can t Get Your Notebooks Right Now Please Try Again Later

FIX: Sorry, we're having trouble getting your notebook

Madalina has been a Windows fan always since she got her hands on her kickoff Windows XP reckoner. She is interested in all things technology, peculiarly emerging technologies -- AI and DNA computing in... Read more

Posted: April 2019

  • Microsoft Teams is a powerful collaboration software integrated with Function 365 concern accounts
  • The tool is tightly integrated with other Office apps besides, including OneNote
  • But sometimes, OneNote and Teams integration doesn't piece of work. In this guide, we'll show what you lot can practise if Microsoft Team tin't access your Noteboook
  • Troubleshooting Microsoft Teams issues equally quickly every bit possible is crucial for users' productivity

Sorry we're having trouble getting your notebook Teams


OneNoteClass Notebook and Microsoft Teams are two excellent instruction tools. You can combine them both to create virtual classrooms and enhance students' productivity.

While these tools are extremely useful to both teach and students, many users reported getting the error message: Sorry, nosotros're having problem getting your notebook.

This digital notebook by Microsoft OneNote helps the entire class to store notes, links, audios, videos, attachments, and more than. Unfortunately, certain errors can appear, and in today's article we'll show you how to set them.

How to ready Microsoft Teams We're having trouble finding your notebook error?

  1. Check if the link is broken
  2. Refresh the user profile
  3. Try accessing OneNote through an app
  4. There could be a temporary outage/server issue
  5. Modify the site's address

1. Check if the link is broken

Based on a discussion thread in the Microsoft forum, in some cases, it appears that the link from OneNote Teams that was cleaved. In such cases, to get access to the OneNote files:

  • You lot tin admission the files direct.
  • Alternatively, you lot tin can also open the OneNote awarding if it's syncing.

2. Refresh the user contour

If you're getting this error, perhaps you can gear up it just by refreshing your profile. Sometimes, the simplest solutions piece of work best.

3. Try accessing OneNote through an app

onenote 2016 onenote desktop
Some of the most efficient workarounds that yous can use are the post-obit:

  • Access OneNote through a unlike app or a browser.
  • Yous tin can install OneNote from the Microsoft Store as usual or download the desktop edition (OneNote 2016).
  • Alternatively, yous can as well install the app on any Android or iOS device. At present, y'all can only log back into your Microsoft account and endeavour to access their notes from this location.

four. At that place could exist a temporary outage/server event

This error can appear due to a temporary outage. If that's the case y'all may wait for some time to see if the server is back up and working.

Alternatively, you can effort to access their notebooks via

5. Change the site's address

If the Sorry nosotros're having trouble getting your notebook Teams mistake nevertheless appears, you lot tin can gear up it by doing the post-obit:

  1. Open the teams' website in SharePoint designer (download it from Microsoft's website).
  2. One time it's installed and opened, select Open up site.
  3. Now add this part of the address in front of the / and it should open the site.
  4. For instance, paste the address in the format https:/XXXXX/XXXXXXXXXX/XXXXX/ into the Site name box in SP Designer.
  5. Now click on it to open the site. No need to choose a folder or file here.
  6. Click All Files in the folder list.
  7. Open up SiteAssets option and the team name folder. This is the place where you should encounter the OneNote files.

Expert Tip: Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an fault, your system may be partially broken. Nosotros recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and offset repairing.

But, if the tab is still intact and it yet cannot open up OneNote, here's what you tin can do:

  1. Simply remove the Notebook section using the below steps on the Team site.
  2. Click on the Habitation option and select Edit from the dropdown which is correct at the bottom.
    We're having trouble finding your notebook edit
  3. Now, click nether the Notebooks department.
  4. Cull the Remove selection.
  5. The notebook section is now deleted from the SharePoint quick links navigation.

Alternatively, you can also remove the notebook via the below steps:

  1. Go to the site.
  2. Click on SiteContent.
  3. Select the option Site Avails
  4. Remove the notebook.

Here you are deleting the notebook that was opened when you clicked on the Notebook tab. But, if you want to remove the squad tab since it won't reconnect with the notebook over again, here's what you can practice:

  1. Right-click on the OneNote tab and two options show up – Rename and Remove.
    oneote select We're having trouble finding your notebook
  2. Click the Remove option in the dropdown

remove notebook We're having trouble finding your notebook
If as an admin you lot even so cannot remove the tab (no Remove option) and the error still shows up, get to Team settings and check permission.

Alternatively, the tab tin also be deleted from the Team browser version.

The terminal matter to check would be the subscription, since only Part 365 for Pedagogy automatically comes with a OneNote Tab. So, if you are non using Role 365, you may create a new team and re-check if the OneNote Tab volition be a default option.

Southwardorry we're having trouble getting your notebook has been a consistent issue with the OneNote and Microsoft Teams. The mistake still keeps affecting users randomly every at present and then. Information technology by and large turns out to exist a server effect.

We promise that we could aid you fix the error with one of the above solutions.

  1. Teams is fully integrated with the Role 365 Suite
  2. OneNote does not offer near as many features equally Teams
  3. Teams offers video and audio back up
  4. Microsoft Teams in a fully-fledged remote piece of work solution
  5. NoteNote is suitable for individual users, while Teams targets business users
  • How do you utilise Staff Notebook in Teams?

To utilize Staff Notebook, become to your class squad, navigate to the General channel and click on the Staff Notebook tab where you tin can edit the existing pages or add together new ones.

  • Can yous duplicate a notebook in OneNote?

To duplicate notebooks in OneNote, navigate to the EDU Notebooks tab, correct-click on the notebook y'all want to duplicate, and click on Save a re-create.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Hither are the key differences between Microsoft Teams and OneNote:

    1. Teams is fully integrated with the Office 365 Suite
    2. OneNote does not offer near as many features as Teams
    3. Teams offers video and audio support
    4. Microsoft Teams in a fully-fledged remote work solution
    5. NoteNote is suitable for individual users, while Teams targets business concern users
  • To use Staff Notebook, go to your class team, navigate to the Full general aqueduct and click on the Staff Notebook tab where you can edit the existing pages or add new ones.

  • To duplicate notebooks in OneNote, navigate to the EDU Notebooks tab, right-click on the notebook you desire to duplicate, and click on Relieve a copy.


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